Abstract Submissions

Abstract submissions are open.

The Organising Committee invite all attendees of the Aotearoa NZ Anaesthesia ASM to submit abstracts. A number of ANZCA, NZSA and NZATS prizes are available.

Please ensure you read the following instructions, terms and conditions before proceeding to the abstract portal.

Open: 30 May, 2024

Close: 15 September, 2024

Acceptance advice: 3 October, 2024


View Prizes

Available ANZCA, NZSA and NZATS Prizes

Anaesthetist/ Registrar/ Trainee/ Allied Health Submissions

Submission Process

  • Download the abstract submission template and write your abstract(s). Save as a separate .doc or .docx file.
  • Read the terms and conditions below before completing your abstract.
  • You will be required to enter the following information before uploading the abstract document. We recommend having this ready before accessing the portal:
    • an abstract title,
    • presentation type (oral or poster),
    • authors and their affiliations,
    • prize application,
    • and a short biography of the presenting author for each paper.
  • Access the Presentation Portal Register with your email address, and submit a password. Update contact information and then follow the instructions.
  • You can upload multiple submissions via the one log-in. You may access the presentation portal using your email address and password to upload further abstracts until submissions close on 15 September, 2024.
  • You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your abstract(s). Contact the Conference Managers, should you not receive this email within 24 hours. It may pay to check your junk email folder as well.
  • Presentation guidelines will be sent to presenting authors upon acceptance of abstracts.

Terms and Conditions

  • Abstract submission must be made via the presentation portal and in the correct .doc or .docx format using the template supplied. Incorrectly formatted abstracts will not be considered for review, and you will be asked to resubmit.
  • Abstracts must not exceed 300 words (this applies to the main body of the abstract, but excludes abstract title, authors and affiliations and references).
  • All abstract content is published as submitted, ensure you have carefully proofed your document prior to upload.
  • Powerpoint presentations may also be published on the meeting website. It is essential the submitting authors obtain written permission to reproduce graphics and that the sources are acknowledged in the abstract.
  • Accepted abstracts may be published in the AIC Journal.
  • All oral and poster presenters are required to register for the meeting. It is expected that oral presenters will be presenting in-person in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
  • Oral presentations will be 10 minutes in total, plus 5 minutes of question time.
  • Oral and poster presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts and the Organising Committee’s decision is final.
  • The presenting author must check eligibility for prizes before submission, and the Organising Committee, NZSA or ANZCA may remove papers from prize consideration should authors not be eligible, without prior notice.
  • Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting in printed format at the meeting venue, in electronic format on the attendee app and on the virtual conference platform for the duration of the on-demand content availability. Format instructions will be emailed to accepted poster authors.
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome by 3 October, 2024.

Download Template

Use this template as a guide to create your abstract.

Submit Abstract

Anaesthetist/ Registrar/ Trainee/ Allied Health Submissions.

Anaesthetic Technician Submissions

Oral and poster submissions are invited from all Anaesthetic Technician attendees, with prizes available. Posters can cover a range of topics, however it should ideally be related to the meeting theme “Working Together”.

This could include:

  • Research presentation
  • Showcase of work in your region
  • Case study
  • Special interest (equipment, procedures etc)

If you are keen to have a poster shown at the meeting please submit a planned title and mini abstract of your submission via the online submission process (and select ‘poster’ in the paper type) – instructions outlined below.

Process, Terms and Conditions

Oral and poster abstract submissions should be created on a .doc or .docx format.

  • Oral abstracts should be kept to a limit of 300-400 words (this applies to the main body of the abstract, and excludes abstract title, authors and affiliations, and references).
  • Poster abstracts should include a planned title, and mini abstract/poster description.
  • You will be asked during the submission process to upload a photograph, and provide a biography for use in the programme and for chairperson introductions.
  • All oral abstract content is published as submitted, ensure you have carefully proofed your document prior to upload.
  • Accepted oral abstract presentations may also be published on the meeting website, and on the attendee app and on-demand conference platform. It is essential the submitting authors obtain written permission to reproduce graphics and that the sources are acknowledged in the abstract.
  • All oral and poster presenting authors are required to register, and pay to attend the meeting. It is expected that oral presenters will be presenting in-person in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.
  • Oral presentations will be 20-30 minutes in total, including 5 minutes of question time.
  • Oral and poster presentations will be selected from the submitted abstracts and the Organising Committees’ decision is final. Submissions not accepted for oral presentation may be considered for poster presentation.
  • Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting in printed format at the meeting venue, in electronic format on the attendee app and on the on-demand conference platform for the duration of the on-demand content availability. Format instructions will be emailed to accepted poster authors.
  • Applicants will be notified of outcome by 3 October, 2024.

Submit Abstract

Anaesthetic Technician Submissions.